I’m SO excited to announce that I will be participating in Pitch Wars this year as a co-mentor with the fabulously talented Ayana Gray as TEAM TITAN! (Yes that is a reference to Teen Titans.)
What is Pitch Wars?
It’s a mentoring program where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each to spend three months revising their manuscript with. It ends in February 2021 with an Agent Showcase, where literary agents can read a pitch + first page and request to read more! To learn more about the program, including how to submit an application, visit https://pitchwars.org/new-start-here/
You can also learn a bit more about me by visiting my profile on the Pitch Wars website (and be sure to check out my co-mentor’s profile, too!)
A full wishlist detailing what we’re looking for in a mentee is coming very soon, so stay tuned!
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